
Welcome back to the symposium on Bird Monitoring in India. This year once again, we have another exciting set of events lined up for two days. Like last year, the symposium will have keynote talks, mini-symposia on important thematic areas and speed talks by researchers and bird enthusiasts.

We invite the community to come participate and regroup to discuss exciting opportunities, milestones and challenges for Bird Monitoring in India!

Important dates:

  • Symposium dates: 9 – 10 August 2024
  • Deadline for registration for the symposium: 5 August 2024


09 August 2024 – 10 August 2024 

Note : All times are in Indian Standard Time (IST).


DAY 0 : 08 August 2024 (Thursday)
Time Event
16:00 – 17:00

Pre-symposium event: Meet and greet and learn your way through Discord, fun polls and introductions.
by Symposium Steering Committee


Channel: #lounge


DAY 1 : 08 August 2024 (Friday) – Monitoring Wetland Birds
Time Event
10:30 – 10:40

Welcome and Introduction
by Symposium Steering Committee


Channel: #09-aug-short talks
10:40 – 11:00

Asian Waterbirds Census: India’s Status update
by Dhruv Verma


Channel: #09-aug-short talks
11:00 – 11:20

Insights from a decade of Heronry monitoring in Kerala
by Roshnath Ramesh


Channel: #09-aug-short talks
11:20 – 11:40

A decade of monitoring birds of Perur Lake, Coimbatore – An approach to Citizen Science
by G Parameshwaran


Channel: #09-aug-short talks
11:40 – 12:00

Long-term monitoring of avifaunal populations of Thane Creek, Mumbai
by Pranay Khadanga


Channel: #09-aug-short talks
12:00 – 12:20

W3 (Winter Waterbird Week) – experiences and lessons from standardised mid-winter monitoring of migratory waterbirds in the EAAF (East Asian Australian Flyway)
by Shelby Wee & Yong Ding Li


Channel: #09-aug-short talks
12:20 – 12:35

Discussion and Wrap up


Channel: #09-aug-short talks
12:35 – 13:30 BREAK [TEA / COFFEE]
13:30 – 15:30

Speed talks and interaction

  • Monitoring Wetland Birds – Perur Lake Forum, Coimbatore – Vridhi. R
  • Ecological Monitoring of Bird Communities and Prey Species Dynamics in Peri-Urban Wetlands – Yash Srivastava
  • Wetland birds in Peralathvayal A study over 5 years – Shyamkumar P
  • Assessing one of the major mudflats of Andhra Pradesh, India to sustain the waders’ population and their utilisation of these mudflats – Rachaveelpula Sreeja
  • Monitoring wetland birds and other non-wetland species – KIRAN VATI K
  • Population dynamics and Breeding Ecology of River Terns at Bhadra tiger reserve – KARTHIK N J
  • Bird Diversity in Harike Wetland of Punjab, India – Stanzin Zangmo
  • Annual Waterbird Census and Monitoring in the Ramsar sites of Kerala – Niranjana K S
  • Unmasking the birds of Madurai South, Tamil Nadu, India – R. Rajashree
  • Kerala Beachcombing – Ampady S
  • Wetland Birds of South Western Maharashtra..with special reference to D. Y. Patil Educational City. – Prof. Dr. K. Prathapan
  • Monitoring the ground nesting riverine birds of Kollidam river in Tamil Nadu – T Siva
  • Use of bird monitoring for conservation of wetlands – Jai Sharma
Channel: #09-aug-speedtalks


DAY 2 : 09 August 2024 (Saturday) – Understanding causes of population change
Time Event
10:30 – 10:35

Opening comments and welcome to day 2
by Symposium Steering Committee


Channel: #10-aug-shorttalks
10:35 – 11:20

Temperature, prey availability and the survival of Eastern Himalayan birds in primary and degraded forest: 14 years of long-term monitoring
by Umesh Srinivasan


Channel: #10-aug-shorttalks
11:20 – 11:40

The race to save vultures in India
by Sachin Ranade


Channel: #10-aug-shorttalks
11:40 – 12:00

Probable cause for high mortality of Spot-billed Pelican (Pelecanus philippensis) at Kokrebellur Community Reserve, India
by Shantala Kumar / H N Kumara


Channel: #10-aug-shorttalks
12:00 – 12:20

Impact of power lines on bustards and/or birds in the Thar Desert
by Tushna Karkaria / Mohib Uddin


Channel: #10-aug-shorttalks
12:30 – 13:45 BREAK [Lunch]
13:45 – 15:45

Speed talks and interaction

  • Bird Conservation Practices in Traditional way of Tribal Community: Special Reference to Chhattisgarh Gond Community – Manjeet Kaur Bal
  • Siberian Crane Memory Project – Peeyush Sekhsaria
  • Use of Native and Exotic plants by birds: A case study of parks and gardens in Pune City – Shivam Shinde
  • Bird diversity in an urban residential area – S. A. Vidhya
  • Death of a Sanctuary – Local extinction of GIB in Karera Bustard Sanctuary, MP. – Vrushal Pendharkar
  • Monitoring Raptors: The Beginning – Sunny Joshi
  • Birdwatch: Tracking Avian Diversity Across 300 Acres of University Land on Kanakapura Road, Karnataka, India. – Amith S J
  • Distribution and Nesting Tree Characteristics of Dusky Eagle-owl in semi-arid agricultural landscape of Rohtak and Jhajjar District – Aditya Singh Chauhan
  • Density estimation of Hornbills in Periyar Tiger Reserve – Ahmed Omar Haroon
  • Passive acoustic data yields insights into bird vocalization behavior associated with invasive shrub removal – Pavithra Sundar
Channel: #10-aug-speedtalks
15:45 – 16:00

Closing remarks and feedback
by Symposium Steering Committee


Channel: #lounge

Mini-symposia themes

Day 1 | 9 August | Monitoring Wetland Birds

:30 am – 03:30 pm

Wetland birds/Waterbirds are one of the best bio-indicators due to their visible and easily measurable response to changes in wetland ecosystems. Their high visibility and abundance make them ideal for long-term monitoring to assess ecosystem health. India harbours a diverse range of wetlands that support a rich biodiversity, including a substantial population of migratory and resident birds. In India, while the Asian Waterbird Census (AWC) remains a stronghold in maintaining systematic census data on waterbirds, the inclusion of targeted studies and citizen science data has given a much-needed boost to data-driven and robust conservation actions. This mini-symposium aims to provide an overall view of such waterbird monitoring efforts, which provides crucial information for planning sustainable and effective management actions for future conservation.

Short talks

G. Parameswaran, Perur Lake Forum
Talk title: A decade of monitoring birds of Perur Lake, Coimbatore – An approach to Citizen Science

Roshnath Ramesh, Heronry State Coordinator, Kerala Common Bird Monitoring Project
Talk title: Insights from a decade of Heronry monitoring in Kerala

Dhruv Verma, Wetland International South-Asia
Talk title: Asian Waterbirds Census: India’s Status update

Yong Ding Li, BirdLife International
Talk title: W3 (Winter Waterbird Week) – experiences and lessons from standardised mid-winter monitoring of migratory waterbirds in the EAAF (East Asian Australian Flyway)

Pranay Khadanga, Bombay Natural History Society
Talk title:Long-term monitoring of avifaunal populations of Thane Creek, Mumbai

Ankita Sinha, The University of Sheffield, UK
Talk title: TBA

Abstracts will be updated shortly.

Day 2 | 10 August | Understanding causes of bird population declines

10:30 am – 03:30 pm

 In the recent years, the decline in bird populations has become a matter of global concern, with implications for ecosystems, biodiversity, and even human well-being. Many surveys in the recent past have reported declines of birds in response to environmental changes, and few of them have done a thorough investigation of the factors causing these declines. This mini-symposium aims to showcase some of these efforts and brainstorm ideas for students and researchers to target. The session will consist of talks from a wide variety of landscapes, covering important threats such as climate change, infrastructure, land-use change etc and a range of species ranging from bustards to vultures. 


Keynote talk

Temperature, prey availability and the survival of Eastern Himalayan birds in primary and degraded forest: 14 years of long-term monitoring

Umesh Srinivasan, Centre for Ecological Sciences, Indian Institute of Science


Short talks

Sachin Ranade, Bombay Natural History Society
Talk title: The race to save vultures in India

Shantala Kumar/H N Kumara
Talk title: Probable cause for high mortality of Spot-billed Pelican (Pelecanus philippensis) at Kokrebellur Community Reserve, India

Tushar Kankaria/Mohib Uddin, Wildlife Institute of India
Title: Effect of powerlines on bustards and birds in the Thar desert

Abstracts will be updated shortly